Winona Ruritan Club meets


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Jun 05, 2023

Winona Ruritan Club meets

Aug 30, 2023 WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met Aug. 22 at the Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. called the meeting to order and everyone in attendance sang “America.” Caterer Chris

Aug 30, 2023

WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club met Aug. 22 at the Winona Friends Church. President Rob Doyle Jr. called the meeting to order and everyone in attendance sang “America.”

Caterer Chris Phillis served a dinner of large stuffed peppers with extra meat balls and thick tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, corn, dinner rolls and butter, water, lemonade, iced tea, coffee and vanilla cake.

Secretary Lee Stamp called the roll of members, with 17 present. He then read the minutes of the August board of directors meeting and a Thank You card from scholarship winner Lleyton Uphold, grandson of member Richard Stoffer.

There was no treasurer’s report due to Bob Doyle’s recent illness and hospital stay. He is now home and doing well.

Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Doyle Jr., who was born in August. The other member born in August, Scott Judy, was not present.

Doyle Jr. reported the club still has a few pounds of bulk sausage to sell. Anyone interested in purchasing it can contact members for information.

In preparation of the the upcoming Oct. 14 all-you-can-eat pancake and sausage breakfast, the club determined how many pounds of bulk and patties needed for sale, how many pounds of patties needed for cooking and how many pounds of loose sausage needed for gravy. The list was given to Rob Donaldson’s Horst Meat Packing. Together, Homer Althouse and Doyle Jr. will determine how many hogs to buy.

Stamp passed out packets of tickets to each member and made advertising posters available. Inventories of needed supplies (paper products like plates, napkins, cups and utensils) and kitchen supplies (flour, vegetable oil, syrups) will be taken and orders placed with Donaldson and Hull’s Super Duper Market. Eichler’s Propane will be contacted to supply gas. The plan is to movethe cooking trailer to the church at 9 a.m. Oct. 12, get it leveled, grills moved into the church and hooked up to the gas and test fired as well as the grills in the trailer. Lots of help will be needed to move the supplies into the church and get the tables set for that morning. The club will ask the Hicks and Hayseeds 4-H Club to help serve and reset place settings.

Stamp and Tom Sanor will finish the vinyl siding and metal roof on the club’s storage shed this month.

Doyle Jr. reported the annual Ohio Ruritan Fall Convention is scheduled for Nov. 18 at Paradise Church in Louisville. All Ruritan members are invited.

The club has not received any volunteers for the 2024 officers and directors from any club members.

Michael Knoedler has a few more fall gun raffle tickets to sell.

The last topic of discussion was the ongoing debate of make scrapple or not making scrapple. It again boils down to one thing – manpower (strength); the club is shy on it as members get older.

Everyone rose and pledged allegiance to the American flag.

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