City Hall to host public hearing on draft Comp Plan update » Sandpoint Reader


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Jul 05, 2023

City Hall to host public hearing on draft Comp Plan update » Sandpoint Reader

· July 19, 2023 By Reader Staff The city of Sandpoint began updating its Comprehensive Plan in 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic put the effort on hold until 2022. Now, after a three-year process, the

· July 19, 2023

By Reader Staff

The city of Sandpoint began updating its Comprehensive Plan in 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic put the effort on hold until 2022. Now, after a three-year process, the final steps for adoption of the updated Comp Plan are underway.

A woman examines a future land use map at Sandpoint City Hall. Courtesy photo.

In a notice issued July 11, the city announced the Sandpoint Planning and Zoning Commission will host a public hearing at its regular meeting Tuesday, Aug. 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall (1123 Lake St.).

According to the notice, on the agenda will be consideration of the plan and its corresponding land use map, including 12 chapters and five appendices that incorporate 17 components, ranging from property rights, population and school facilities to transportation, recreation, community design and housing.

The draft plan and appendices are available for review online, including downloadable files, at or at City Hall.

In-person seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The overflow area outside chambers will accommodate additional participation, with live meeting video and audio provided. For public hearing and comment periods, those who may not be able to be seated within chambers will be allowed entrance to the room and given the opportunity to present from the podium during the time of their presentation.

Written testimony of more than two pages must be delivered to City Hall or emailed to [email protected] before 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 27. Any person needing special accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact City Clerk Melissa Ward seven days prior to the meeting at 208-263-3310

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By Reader StaffIf you're a reader who appreciates the value of an independent, local news source, we hope you'll consider a voluntary contribution. You can help support the Reader for as little as $1.